Welcome to the Putnam County Museum

Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026
Mission: The mission of the Putnam County Museum is to collect, preserve and interpret the natural, cultural and historical heritage of our county and its people.
Good physical location, easy access, and ample parking
Experienced and motivated board
Executive director and staff
Dedicated volunteers and contributors
New opportunities with ownership of the entire building
Exhibit quality and variety
Financially more secure with PCCP endowments
Improved communication via newsletters, etc.
Volunteers needed
Active working committees
Awareness of Museum’s presence throughout the County
Outdoor spaces and surrounding areas that need improvement
Technology and video offerings
Marketing and printed materials
Owning the entire facility
Exhibits and programs representative of the County
Educating the public
Working committees
Integration of technology
Improvement of outdoor spaces
Small cadre of volunteers, burnout
Limited membership
Exhibit variety
Lack of public perception
Limited funding for new development
Public Perceptions
Growing number of exhibits
Varied: from “boring and stuffy” to “great place for local history”
Well established community entity
Awareness growing every day
“I’ve never been there”
Desired Identity
Accessible to a variety of diverse groups
Repository of collections/exhibits/educational history and preservation of Putnam County
A hub for inclusive cultural and historical interests
A welcoming, safe space and place
A place that recounts our county history and heritage
High quality exhibits, programming, communication, and meeting space
A place for small groups or families to celebrate their histories
Expanding membership
New and unique programs and exhibits
Perception that the Museum is not an interesting place to visit
Financial means to realize our vision
Top Priorities
Curb appeal
Developing a plan for the newly purchased portion of the building, architect
Creating more hands-on opportunities for all ages, but especially children
Goals, Objectives and Strategies of the Standing Committees
Finance Committee 2021-2026
Maintain and improve our financial stability to help ensure the long-term existence of the organization.
Objectives and Strategies
Maintain responsible financial management by
Creating an annual budget;
Reviewing with the Treasurer and Director the status of the budget every quarter;
Monitoring projected cash flow needs 6 months out, each quarter;
Proactively anticipating and managing shortfalls.
Promote giving by
Creating a compelling case for annual fund support, in addition to membership;
Continuing to build the endowment and increase the awareness of its importance to long-term sustainability;
Continuing to pursue NAP credits;
Organizing targeted fundraising opportunities for special projects;
Seeking and applying for appropriate grants that will be beneficial to the Museum.
Governance Committee 2021-2026
Organize, review and adjust policy while maintaining a dedicated and interested Board.
Objectives and Strategies
Create a list of potential Board and Committee members to help ensure the effective functioning of the organization by
Having clear descriptions of expectations for people engaging in the work of the organization;
Working with staff to provide periodic training for all new Board and committee members.
Confirm that the Board and committees are operating in a way that is consistent with the Museum’s goals and policies by
Having annual self-assessment of the Board and committees to insure adequate numbers and resources to achieve the goals of the organization’s Comprehensive Plan;
Providing a first-step clearing house for needed changes in Museum policies and goals;
Acting as a repository for suggestions and issues identified by the Board, standing committees and staff;
Reviewing and exploring these suggestions and issues. If needed changes and modifications are identified, they will be taken first to the Executive Committee for discussion.
Ensuring that the Board does a review and uses the occasion to update its comprehensive plan and by-laws at least every five years.
Membership Committee 2021-2026
Promote the Museum to increase renewals and new membership.
Objectives and Strategies
Encourage membership for artifact donors and Founding Family exhibitors and engage them in the work of the Museum by
Creating, in conjunction with Exhibits Committee, a “new objects corner” where artifacts donated during a given time period (e.g., quarterly) are on special display and donors are recognized in a meaningful way;
Including an article in the newsletter that educates current and potential members about the collaborative and cooperative relationship of donations (both physical and monetary);
Offering free newsletters to donors and exhibitors and including them in the annual membership recruitment mailing, with, potentially, the offer of a free 1-year membership.
Engaging Board members as ambassadors to increase new memberships and renewals
Providing each Board member with extra newsletters to distribute personally to potential members;
Providing an opportunity for Board members to add handwritten notes to membership renewal letters, thanking members for past support;
Providing training to Board members on strategies for engaging corporate memberships.
Recruit new and keep current members within the community by
Utilizing “tabling” opportunities at community events to engage the public in conversation about their own collections (for “Putnam County Collects”) or their family history in Putnam County (for potential “Founding Family” exhibits);
Increasing outreach through wider distribution of newsletters, identifying other key sites besides the two public libraries. If a brochure is developed, that can also be planted at multiple locations;
Encouraging commemoration of special events (e.g. Christmas, birthday, memorializing or honoring a loved one) with gift memberships or by underwriting exhibit costs;
Planning annual meeting with light refreshments at no cost to attendees;
Holding the holiday party as a paid/ticketed event open to all;
Planning open house events that provide viewing before and after renovation of new space and include lapsed members on the invitation list.
Simplify the membership structure by
Allowing all levels to receive the same benefits: newsletter subscription, 10% gift shop discount, invitation to the annual meeting, personal guided tour based on the person’s interests.
Revising the tiers of membership: Friend - $25, Keepsake - $50, Artifact - $100, Collectible - $250, Treasure - $500, Heirloom - $1000, Patron - Above $1000.
Measurable Outcomes
Membership growth and retention
Event attendance
Exhibits and Programs Committee 2021-2026
Provide diverse exhibits and programs that represent County history and culture.
Objectives and Strategies
Create and maintain a long-range planning calendar for exhibits and programs by
Having 12 months of exhibits and programs planned;
Reviewing and discussing planned exhibits and programs at every meeting;
Coordinating publicity with the Communication Committee and other committees as needed.
Develop a list of potential topics for future exhibits by
Exploring lists of items within the permanent collection;
Reviewing items within the various permanent collection categories semiannually;
Maintaining a list of potential lenders for rotating loaned exhibits (e.g., Art Walk, Founding Families, County Collects);
Seeking potential lenders for loaned exhibits.
Determine and advise on when to rotate a permanent exhibit for diversity and refreshed feel by
Reviewing exhibits on display semiannually.
Provide educational programs to spotlight exhibits by
Holding in-house exhibit openings or open house events with a scheduled speaker every other month;
Securing a donor, lender or other speaker for loaned exhibits;
Coordinating with the Communication Committee for promotion of programs.
Maintain exhibits that highlight the community by
Reviewing Community Exhibits (e.g., Putnam County courthouse, local potters) on a quarterly basis;
Maintaining a list of potential exhibit opportunities.
Measurable Outcomes
Attendance, monthly and for individual programs.
Communication Committee 2021-2026
To promote the Museum by increasing community awareness of its activities and vibrancy.
Objectives and Strategies
Keep our audience informed of exhibits, events and projects by
Creating press releases for area media outlets;
Creating informative posts on social media, track engagements;
Programing appropriate messages on the highway sign;
Publicizing projects, exhibits, events, etc. in the newsletter;
Creating public speaking opportunities with area organizations (e.g.,Rotary, Kiwanis).
Create public awareness of being a stakeholder in the life of the Museum by
Eliciting public input and help on research and identification;
Asking the public for loans of objects for exhibits;
Asking the public to share stories.
Produce and distribute a quarterly newsletter by
Building relationships with members of the community in order to secure
writers, photographers, and researchers;
Making newsletters accessible in local businesses, public facilities, schools, etc., throughout the County.
Advertise as appropriate by
Seeking funding from the Putnam County Convention and Visitors Bureau;
Providing information for PCCVB efforts;
Maintaining a presence in Chamber of Commerce directory, Discover Putnam County Magazine, other publications and on Google About Your Business and other websites.
Measurable Outcomes
Social media metrics
Feedback form for newsletter
Response tracking for loaned objects