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Volunteers have more fun!

The Museum offers many opportunities for involvement. In fact, much of the exciting work of the Museum is done by committed volunteers and interns, including hands-on work with artifacts, researching and developing exhibits, guiding visitors and organizing events.


Some volunteers prefer a regular schedule; others prefer to work on short-term projects. Some prefer to work with adults; others with kids. Some prefer to work with data; others with artifacts. To discuss ways that you would like to contribute, please get in touch with


Why do so many volunteers enjoy working on projects at the museum?

  • to meet new people

  • to share skills

  • to learn something new

  • to be part of a team

  • to preserve artifacts

  • to preserve stories

  • to have fun

  • to bridge generations

  • to share memories

  • to see that resources are well allocated

  • to make a lasting difference

Exhibit Research & Design


This position would give the student training and experience researching and developing exhibits for the museum. First year training would begin with introductions to day-to-day operations of the museum including working with artifacts, the collections database, and museum visitors. The student will go on to assist with installing exhibits and interpretive signage. Readings on best practices in stewardship and interpretation will be provided. Meanwhile, museum staff will work with the student to frame a research question in an area of interest to the student.


The capstone of the student’s museum experience will be to take full ownership of an exhibit. With volunteer and staff guidance and support, the student will prepare and present the exhibit based on their research question.


The museum will provide tools and materials. Students may share a PC with other staff and volunteers or bring their own laptops.


Monday through Friday 10 to 5. Students may arrange to do readings and research off premises. 


Not-for-profit Administration


This position will give the student training and experience in running a not-for-profit organization. First year training begins with introductions to day-to-day operations of the museum including working with membership, events, fund raising, the board of directors, and with volunteers. The student will assist staff and volunteers in ongoing activities in each of these areas.


The capstone of this museum experience will be to take a leadership role in a fund-raising activity for the museum. With staff guidance and volunteer support, the student will plan and coordinate the activity.


The museum will provide tools and materials. Students may share a PC with other staff and volunteers or bring their own laptops.


Monday through Friday 10 to 5. Students may arrange to do readings and research off premises. 

Social Media and Public Relations


This position would give the student training and experience doing media relations, and social media for one of Putnam County’s largest and most successful not-for-profits. First year training begins with introductions to day-to-day operations of the museum including working with artifacts, the membership database, and museum volunteers and visitors. The student will go on to assist with publicity and social media for museum events and activities. Meanwhile, museum staff will work with the student to identify long-term needs for the museum’s web identity.


The capstone of the student’s museum experience will be to plan and implement a media strategy for the institution. The strategy will identify audiences, ways to reach them, and benchmarks for success. Finally, the student will train museum volunteers and staff to sustain that strategy.


The museum will provide tools and materials. Students may share a PC with other staff and volunteers or bring their own laptops.

  • YouTube

Open 10:00 to 4:00 Monday through Friday

and 12-4 on Sundays


(765) 653-8419


The Museum is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization, supported by membership dues and donations

Putnam County Logo with Tagline Light Gr


Putnam County Museum • 1105 North Jackson Street • Greencastle Indiana 46135 • 765.653.8419

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